Together, let's get your little one sleeping!

Imagine working together and learning how to help your baby fall asleep independently, sleep through the night and nap consistently in as little as 2 weeks!

If this sounds good to you let’s get started!

And don't worry, your little one does not have to cry it out!

〰️Hi Parents〰️

My name is Erica Hoeft, Founder of Dreamier Nights Ahead.


Is your little waking several times throughout the night, fighting bedtime, refusing naps, or just not sleeping in general? If you've been scrolling the internet, trying to figure how to get your child to sleep. Or, you're feeling overwhelmed with the endless amount of information out there on infant and toddler sleep, let me say, I have been right where you are! 


I can help your family by providing you with the knowledge and skills to get your little one on the path to becoming an independent and great little sleeper and will walk along side of you through the entire process. All while respecting your parenting philosophies.

If you're feeling ready for a change, I would be honored to be a part of your family's life changing sleep journey that will give you Dreamier Nights Ahead.

What to expect:

Step One: If you are unsure of which package is right for your little one: Schedule a consultation - During this free 15 minute consultation we can go over any questions and choose the right package for you and your little one. Or if you know what package is best for you, you can contact me to purchase.

Step Two: Once your package is chosen, we will go over details and a personalized sleep plan will be created.

Step Three: we will do a 1 hour call/video call to go over the sleep plan.

Step Four: Woohoo! Dreamier Nights are Ahead!  - I will guide you every step of the way to getting your little one to sleep. 

Sleep for every child is unique. Your little one may have had sleep issues from the beginning or it may have recently started. It may be just at naptime, bedtime or both. Because of that, I will provide a personal plan that best suits you and your little one. I will guide and support you as you implement these changes for your little one.

Bringing a baby home comes with great joy, but also new adjustments in the home. Start your journey off right with one of my virtual Newborn Care Packages  so you can enjoy all the wonderful moments with your bundle of joy. 

 You will virtually receive the assistance to know what to expect, how to handle different things that my arise, and to make sure you and your little one are set up for success.